Iris van den Ende
Ron Eshuijs
Boudewijn Vos
Business Director TV
Miel Gouda
Managing Director Theatre
Patricia Kok
Head of Productions
Remco Kobus
Producer Fiction
Maurice Wijnen
Creative Director
Kevin Vermeulen
Financial Controller
Pamela Koelemans
HR Manager
Frans Millenaar
Executive producer TV
Hidde Nieuwland
Executive producer TV
Astrid Dutrenit
Executive producer TV
Elke Baijens
Executive producer TV
Niels Dijkhoff
Associate producer Theatre
Jaap Beemster
Commercial Director Theatre
Marnix van Egmond
TV editor-in-chief
Hans van Waas
Daphne Geerligs
Mark Vermeulen
TV editorial coordinator
Eva Strien
Manager Marketing & Sales
Eline Reijmer
Head of Communication
Roxanne Wilders
Project Manager Live
Henriëtte Grijzenhout
Personal Assistent
Menno Hoogendoorn
Facility Manager
Kyung Eigenraam
ICT Manager
Leanne van der Heijden
Project Controller
Sonja Smit
Project Controller
Puck Kemme
Financial Controller
Rohan Gottschalk
Creative Fiction
Pim Brassien
Creative Non-Fiction
Thijs Bul
Creative Non-Fiction
Feije Riemersma
Director TV
Jasper Bramer
Project Manager TV
Bart van den Bos
Format development
Eveline de Vletter
Format development
Inge Toth
Project Manager TV / Live
Dorona Lenoir
Editor TV
Stanley Schrurs
Producer TV
Jelle Morsch
Producer TV
René Tanahatoe
Producer TV
Daniëlle van Kalken
Marketing & PR coordinator Theatre
Lisanne de Snoo
Production coordinator Theatre
Iman Sanichar
Production coordinator Theatre
Zoë van den Heuvel
Production Assistent TV
Maaike de Droog
Marketeer Theater
Nina Guci
Marketeer Theater
Karlijn de Kok
Marketeer Theatre
Dylan Jongen
Production Assistent Theatre
Max Ouderland
Financial employee
Carline Brouwer
Theatre Director
Hannah van Meurs
Casting Director Theater
Pieter Kaya
Financial Controller Theater